Thursday, March 10, 2011

The first 'room' framed

Okay, and now I'm caught up on my posts. Ryon took these yesterday. The first shows more framing going up on the main floor. Notice all the old, peeling plaster is off of the walls.

And our dining room windows are framed. Actually glass windows coming soon?

And the most exciting, the first rooms framed in the house! (Also known as the coat closet and the powder room).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Two in one

Work is moving so fast on the house, I can't keep up with my posts. So here is two in one. First, the second floor joists and subfloor were completed last week.

This one shows the main floor looking towards the living room. You can see how tall the ceilings are.

This is looking into the master bedroom on the top floor - 15' ceilings up here!

The next few are from several days later - the start of framing! The interior walls (the long one shared with the house next door) will have exposed brick but we have to insulate all of the exterior walls.

Here is the main floor looking into the back corner of the kitchen. There will be cabinets in this corner so we need drywall here.

These are the kitchen windows. All of the old, rotting wooden window frames have been pulled out. There will be an amazing amount of light in our kitchen.

A new window frame, looking out onto 8th Street from the main floor.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A few more photos

Here are a few more photos from Tuesday.

Second floor joists going up! This one is taken in the living room on the main floor looking towards the kitchen. The second floor joists that are in will be where the guest bedroom is.

Still the first floor looking towards the living room, but all of the subfloor is down.

From the first floor looking up through the second floor to the other port window in the back of the guest bedroom.